The Police Department operates a Community Action & Awareness program, led by a police sergeant. This program expanded in 2017 to encompass a wide range of services and programs the Dixon Police Department offers to the community.
Grounded in the philosophy of sustained and continuous engagement, the police department believes the more ways we can positively interact with our residents and businesses, the more effective we are in promoting the sense of respect, trust and order needed to serve our city.
From community events, like our annual May Fair parade and festival, to youth leadership and mentorship programs like our cadet program, Community Action & Awareness services provide important outreach efforts to engage different elements of our city.
We were proud to participate in events like National Night Out, the Law Enforcement Special Olympics Torch Run, Grillin-N-Chillin, Neighborhood Watch programs, Christmas tree lighting ceremony and others. These events allow police employees to interact with residents in settings designed to promote interactions, discussion and understanding about how we can provide excellent service to Dixon.
Homelessness is not a problem a city can arrest our way out of. Recognizing there are a constellation of factors in addressing the real challenges of homelessness, and the impacts to the community, the Dixon Police Department partnered with the Vacaville Police Department in developing a homeless outreach and advocacy program. This innovate program, which went live in 2017, took a non-traditional approach to the problem .
Dixon police officers receive program and outreach support from a licensed clinical social worker shared between Dixon and Vacaville. This position, funded through a cost sharing agreement through grants, enables Dixon police who encounter residents with challenging circumstances to offer programs and services as a way to address those challenges.
Through the Community Action & Awareness Unit, officers and staff can assess, in the field, needs from housing to job training to mental health and align those needs with resources available to combat them. This approach treats those in need with dignity and respect, provides services when available to help them, and potentially ends a cycle of homelessness or chronic and consistent barriers to assistance.